my personal religion

1. The North Stars

Live a life full of loving attention – towards love.

Striving to obtain wisdom, develop morality, and practice meditation.

And in the day to day taking care of:

  1. my physical health,
  2. my mental & spiritual health,
  3. relationships,
  4. my profession and being part of this society,
  5. joy & wonder.

1.a. Definitions

What is it to live?

What is it to attend?

What is it to love?

1.b. How to obtain wisdom, develop morality, and practice meditation?

1.c. The fundamental framework for prioritising the average day and week

Fundamentally, I am a human being with biological needs. The holy trinity: nutrition, exercise, and rest, is the basis for a healthy body. A healthy body allows me to physically be at peace, and from there start chasing my dreams.

2. ⚫ spiritual practices & mental peace

Consciousness can be quite the overwhelming storm. Spiritual practices are what provide me with control and spiritual peace: the feelings of contentment, purpose, and happiness.

My relationships with others are what make me human. Through selflessly giving and receiving attention I can experience one of the most beautiful things in life called love.

Through my profession I give to the community – in return I can take what is required to take care of my family. Also, professional life is what enables me, and society, to grow.

Last but not least, the fact that I am that specific part of the universe that is able to experience and explore itself is incredibly amazing. For this, joy & wonder are in place. Let us enjoy this beautiful experience.

I operate on some fundamental principles/beliefs.

Here are principles currently most relevant in my life + a backlog:

  • Trust the process.
  • Never say never.
  • Life is unsatisfactory.

I’m a sucker for quotes. A good quote in the right context can say a thousand words.

Here are quotes currently most relevant in my life + a backlog:

  • You’re crazy until you’re successful, then you’re a genius.
    – Mister Beast | [source]